Prostate Disorders Life Insurance Underwriting

We offer affordable life insurance to men with prostate disorders.

Prostate Disorders Overview

It’s important to work with someone who specializes in high-risk health conditions to ensure you get the best rate.

Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by the prostate gland.

A PSA test is a simple blood test that measures your PSA.

PSA Elevations

For many men, the first time they learn they have a prostate disorder is when they apply for life insurance and get declined.

Or maybe you have a history of an elevated PSA and want to know if life insurance is even available.

It depends on your medical history and why your PSA was elevated.

Normal PSA levels vary by your current age:

  • Under age 49 = 2.5 ng/ml or less
  • 50 – 59 = 3.5 ng/ml or less
  • 60 – 69 = 4.5 ng/ml or less
  • Age 70+ = 6.5 ng/ml or less

What happens when your PSA is elevated from the paramedical?

It happens.  Depending on your age and your PSA level, underwriting will do one of the following:

Nothing – If it’s only slightly elevated and you have no history of problems, underwriting may still approve you.

If you have a history of PSA elevations that have been thoroughly evaluated,

We can usually get you covered with the right companies.

If the paramed is the first known elevation of your PSA, you will most likely be postponed until it is evaluated.

Postponed – Underwriting may postpone your life insurance until you complete a repeat test at your own expense.

Declined – When your PSA level is significantly elevated, life insurers will decline you until you get checked.

If repeat tests show normal levels, we can get underwriting to reconsider and offer coverage.  

If your PSA remains elevated, we may need to wait for follow-up testing before coverage is available.

In addition, whenever the PSA level is 4.0ng/ml or greater, life insurance underwriters want to see follow-up tests.

DRE-digital rectal exams, prostate biopsy, etc., are the tests companies look for.

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

BPH is the enlargement of the prostate gland. 

If you have BPH, your prostate gland has grown and may cause bladder obstruction.

This may, in turn, lead to bladder problems, kidney problems, or urinary tract problems.

BPH is very common and does not pose problems as long as prostate cancer has been ruled out.


Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. 

You may experience pain or difficulty with urination.

A urinalysis rules out more serious issues, such as bladder cancer.  

Prostatitis may be acute or chronic bacterial prostatitis.

Antibiotics are common to help resolve symptoms.

Prostatitis is generally not a problem with underwriting as long as there are no other related health issues.

Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PIN)

PIN occurs when the lining of the prostate shows signs of dysplasia,

Changes or irregular growth of the prostate gland cells, and is diagnosed via a biopsy.

PIN is classified as either Low-Grade PIN or High-Grade PIN.

High-Grade PIN is considered a pre-cancer of the prostate,

While low-grade PIN is a non-factor for life insurance underwriting purposes.

With any prostate disorder, we will ask you questions to gain a solid understanding of your history.  

We’ll show you where to look for the information we need on your reports.

We’ll tell you what questions to ask your physician for us to get you the best life insurance rates.

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