You can get affordable life insurance after a stroke, and we’ll show you how.
Feature #1 – Underwriting expertise with strokes
The benefit is that you get an agent who understands strokes and has underwriting expertise with strokes to get you fast, affordable life insurance coverage.
Expensive flat extras and table ratings are common. We work to minimize them for our clients.
You’ll know exactly what to expect before you complete an application.
There is never any pressure or obligation with our service.
Companies that underwrite strokes include:
- AIG – Corebridge Financial
- Banner Life
- John Hancock
- Lincoln National
- Nationwide
- Minnesota Life
- Pacific Life
- Penn Mutual
- Protective
- Prudential
- Symetra
- United of Omaha
- Zurich
Feature #2 Independent Insurance Agents
You deserve to have your family taken care of should the worst happen. With an independent agent, you can choose from 40 life insurance companies and get the coverage that best suits you.
We’ve been helping stroke survivors for years.
We have the experience and knowledge to help you get affordable life insurance after a stroke.
- Transient Ischemic Attack (mini-stroke)
- Ischemic Stroke
- Thrombotic Stroke
- Embolic Stroke
- hemorrhagic stroke
Best Life Insurance after a Stroke
Would you like to know more about stroke underwriting? Keep reading
Stroke Life Insurance Underwriting
A stroke interrupts blood flow to any part of the brain. It’s a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or cerebral infarction (stroke).
- What was the date of your stroke?
- Were you hospitalized?
- If yes, provide dates of hospitalization.
- What tests were completed?
- CT scan?
- MRI?
- Carotid artery scan?
- Echocardiogram?
- What was the underlying cause:
- Atherosclerosis and/or high blood pressure?
- Atrial fibrillation?
- Heart valve disease?
- Congenital heart condition?
- Cryptogenic? (unknown)
- Do you have a history of:
- Coronary artery disease?
- Heart attack history?
- Carotid artery disease?
- Peripheral artery disease?
- How was the stroke treated?
- Endovascular surgery?
- Thrombectomy?
- Alteplase IV r-tPA
- What residual symptoms do you have?
- Paralysis?
- Speech/language problems?
- Memory loss?
- Vision problems?
- Weakness or fatigue?
- Pain, burning, or tingling sensations?
- Do you have any other health issues like asthma?
- What medications do you take?
The above are the basic underwriting questions we ask about strokes. There may be additional questions based on your answers, and it’s okay if you do not know all the answers.
Life insurers look at the severity of the stroke, the extent of your recovery, follow-up treatment, and positive changes since the stroke (ex., Exercise, weight loss, hypertension control, and quitting tobacco).
How RiskQuoter Helps Stroke Survivors
After you’ve had a stroke, there is a postponement period before life insurance companies will consider your application.
That postponement period generally runs 6-12 months after the stroke, but it could be longer or shorter depending on your medical history.
Here’s How Our Service Works:
We’ll review your health history with you and ask you the above questions.
Once we have your health history, we use a quick quote to shop for underwriting offers.
A quick quote is a medical summary we use to shop for underwriting offers.
The benefit for you is that we’ll have underwriting feedback from companies specializing in stroke underwriting in 3-5 days.
At that point, we can provide you with life insurance quotes based on your individual medical history, whether you want term life insurance, universal life, or whole life insurance.
What’s the catch?
There’s no catch. With our service, there is never any obligation or pressure. We give you the information you need to make an informed decision about your life insurance.
After we discuss your quotes, tell us to close your file if you’re no longer interested.
Final Words about Strokes
Life insurance after a stroke is available with the right companies, but you must work with an expert who understands how high-risk life insurance works.
Something else to mention is that rates tend to improve over time as you recover. For many clients, we may be able to get you one rate today and improve on that rate over the next 12-36 months.
Please take a few minutes to submit your custom quote request today. Thank you.