Life Insurance Companies for 2024

Life insurance is a confusing and intimidating topic.

Most people don’t know where to start buying life insurance because so many options exist. Many companies will try to sell you expensive policies you don’t need.

At RiskQuoter, we simplify the process by showing you personalized quotes from multiple life insurers in one place. In addition, you’ll get an easy-to-understand overview of your coverage options here.

We’re here for all your life insurance needs, whether for yourself, your family, or even as part of a business policy.

The Best Life Insurance Companies

We reviewed the following life insurance companies. You’ll find that no company is best for all categories.

Are you looking for general life insurance industry information?

Our 2022 industry guide is here – Life Insurance Statistics, Facts, and Data.

Financial Strength Ratings by Life Insurer

Life insurer financial strength (IFS) ratings:

CompanyAM BestMoody’sS&P
American GeneralAA2A+
American NationalAA
AuguStar LifeA-Baa1
Banner LifeA+AA-
Cincinnati LifeA+A3A+
CNA Financial
Colonial PennAA3A-
Corebridge FinancialAA2A+
Great WesternA
Illinois MutualA-
John HancockA+A1AA-
Lincoln NationalAA2A+
Mass MutualA++Aa3AA+
Minnesota LifeA+Aa3AA-
Mutual of OmahaA+A1A+
New York LifeA++AaaAA+
North AmericanA+A+
Ohio NationalAA3
Pacific LifeA+Aa3AA-
Penn MutualA+Aa3A+
Protective LifeA+A1AA-
State FarmA++Aa1AA
Western Reserve
West Coast LifeA+A1AA-

A.M. Best

A.M. Best analyzes companies to determine the company’s claims-paying ability. 

A.M. Best is the only agency that focuses exclusively on the insurance industry. Therefore, it is the easiest for most consumers to understand.

  • AM Best Ratings
    • A++ and A+ = Superior
    • A and A- = Excellent
    • B++ and B+ = Good
    • B and B- = Fair
    • C++ and C+ = Marginal
    • C and C- = Weak
    • D = Poor
    • E = Under Regulatory Supervision
    • F = In Liquidation

Moody’s Ratings

Ratings by Moody’s provide forward-looking opinions of the relative credit risks of financial obligations issued by the life insurer.

  • Moody’s ratings include:
    • Aaa = Judged to be the highest quality
    • Aa = Judged to be high quality
    • A = Judged to be upper-medium grade
    • Baa = Judged to be medium-grade and subject to moderate credit risk
    • Ba = Judged as speculative
    • Caa = Judged to be speculative of poor standing
    • Ca = Judged to be highly speculative
    • C = Lowest rated and typically in default

S&P Ratings

The focus is to provide a forward-looking opinion about the life insurers’ ability to pay their insurance policies under the terms of those contracts.

  • S&P ratings include:
    • AAA = Extremely strong financial characteristics
    • AA = Very strong financial characteristics
    • A = Strong financial characteristics
    • BBB = Good financial characteristics
    • BB, B, CCC, and CC = Vulnerable financial characteristics, with each of these broken down further.

You can find more information here about S&P life insurance ratings.

Fitch Ratings

The main driver of Fitch’s Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) rating is the evaluation of the insurance company’s performance under the Key Credit Factors defined by Fitch.

  • Fitch ratings include:
    • AAA = Exceptionally Strong
    • AA = Very Strong
    • A = Strong
    • BBB = Good
    • B = Weak
    • CCC = Very Weak
    • CC = Extremely Weak
    • C = Distressed

Comdex is a composite score developed by a software company that sells quoting software to insurance companies.

Best Term Life Insurance Company

Legal & General America

Known as Banner Life in the industry, Legal & General America offers term life insurance using e-applications and e-policies.

You may complete your application online or during a phone interview and receive your policy electronically with Banner.

Other companies worth mentioning:

  • AIG-American General
  • Protective Life

Best Whole Life Companies

There are different types of whole-life policies to meet your needs.

Some of the better-known companies of whole life insurance include:

Reviewing full company illustrations is crucial before buying any whole life policy.

The Best Life Insurers for Health Issues

The best company depends on your health issue regarding high-risk life insurance.

Best Overall Company for Health Issues

If there’s a company that competes in every health issue, Prudential is it.

No other company is willing to underwrite as many health conditions as Prudential.

After Pru, other companies to consider include:

  • Lincoln National
  • AIG-American General
  • John Hancock

For any health history, we’ll shop at companies specializing in high-risk conditions to ensure you get the best rate possible.

Best Company for Ulcerative Colitis

Hands down, AIG-American General Life Insurance Company, is the best for people with ulcerative colitis.

AIG routinely offers “standard plus” rates or better.

Other companies to consider include:

  • Banner Life
  • Principal
  • Prudential

When we shop for your medical history, we’ll reach out to all companies for offers, not just the ones above.

Best Company for Prostate Cancer

The best prostate cancer company is Lincoln National due to how aggressive Lincoln is when your Gleason Score is 7.

Other competitive companies for prostate cancer include Prudential when the Gleason is six and Protective Life for older insureds.

Best Final Expense Life Insurance

AIG-American General Guaranteed Issue Whole Life Insurance

When you need a small life insurance policy without the hassle of medical underwriting, AIG’s Guaranteed Issue Whole Life Insurance (GIWL) is a great choice.

AIG is hard to beat in many states with a quick online application, guaranteed rates, and living benefits.

Best Life Insurance Companies for Accelerated Underwriting

The best life insurance companies now offer accelerated underwriting.

Each life insurer has accelerated guidelines, but we’ll ensure you know which company is best for you.

CarrierAgesMax Face
American National0-65
Illinois Mutual18-65$250,000
John Hancock18-60$3,000,000
Legal & General20-50$1,000,000
Lincoln National20-50$2,500,000
Mutual of Omaha18-60$2,000,000
North American18-50
Pacific Life18-60$3,000,000
Penn Mutual20-65$7,500,000

When you submit your quote request to us, you’ll know what to expect from your chosen company.

In addition to accelerated underwriting, some companies offer instant life insurance approvals.

Additional info about the best companies

Below is a quick overview of the company reviews completed.

Allstate Life Insurance

Better known for home and auto, term life, universal, and whole life policies are available.

Allstate Life Insurance Review

AIG – American General

AIG-American General offers term life insurance, universal, whole life, and guaranteed acceptance policies.

AIG – American General Life Insurance Review

American National

Term life insurance, whole life, and universal life insurance policies.

American National Life Insurance Review

Assurity Life Insurance

Accelerated underwriting, term, universal, and whole life insurance

Assurity Life Insurance Review

Banner Life

Term life insurance, universal life, e-applications, e-policies, and e-delivery.

Banner Life Insurance Review

Brighthouse Financial

Limited offerings of term life insurance with whole life conversions.

Brighthouse Financial Life Insurance Review

Cincinnati Life

Term life insurance, whole life, and universal life policies.

Cincinnati Life Insurance Review


AXA Equitable offers term life, universal life, and whole life.

AXA is very competitive, with coverage amounts of $500,000 or greater, and is one of the few that underwrite HIV+.

Equitable Life Insurance Review


Accelerated underwriting for term policies and whole life insurance coverage.

Fidelity Life Association Review


Foresters Life Insurance Review

Term life insurance, universal and whole life are available with accelerated underwriting.

Gerber Life

Whole life insurance and simplified issue coverage are available.

Gerber Life


Known for whole life, disability, and term life insurance

Guardian Life Insurance Review

Illinois Mutual

Term life insurance, universal and whole life, and disability insurance.

Illinois Mutual Life Insurance Review

John Hancock

Hancock has term life insurance and universal life insurance. In addition, they are one of the few carriers specializing in HIV+ underwriting and are the only company with Vitality.

John Hancock Life Insurance Review

Lincoln Financial Group

Very competitive with term life insurance, guaranteed universal life, & index universal life. They are hard to beat for many high-risk health conditions.

Lincoln National Life Insurance Company Review


Offers a variety of whole life insurance policies, term, and universal life.

MassMutual Life Insurance Company Review

Minnesota Life

Term life insurance, universal life insurance, and the WriteFit program.

Minnesota Life Insurance Company Review

Mutual of Omaha

Mutual of Omaha offers term life, universal life, whole life, and accidental death insurance. Omaha is competitive in many categories, including its “Fit” underwriting program.

Mutual of Omaha Company Review


Term life insurance, universal and whole life are available.

Nationwide Life Insurance Review

New York Life Insurance Company

One of the largest and most respected life insurance companies in the U.S.

New York Life Insurance Review

North American

Known for its competitive index universal life as well as term insurance.

North American Life Insurance Review

Northwestern Mutual

Whole life insurance and term life insurance.

Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Review

Ohio National

Competitive term life insurance and whole life insurance are available.

Ohio National Life Insurance Company Review

Pacific Life

Find out why you should consider Pacific Life for your life insurance policy.

Pacific Life Insurance Company Review

Penn Mutual

This company provides term life insurance, universal life, and whole life insurance.

Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company Review


Term life insurance with several riders is available.

Primerica Life Insurance Company Review


Universal life insurance, term life, and disability insurance. They have several underwriting niches and competitive prices.

Principal Life Insurance Company Review


An easy-to-use e-application process and some of the best-priced term life insurance products available.

Protective Life Insurance Company Review


Prudential is one of the most competitive for high-risk medical conditions. In addition, Pru offers term life insurance, universal life, and index universal life insurance.

Prudential Life Insurance Company Review


Accelerated underwriting, term life insurance, and permanent life insurance

Sagicor Life Insurance Company Review


Accelerated underwriting and competitive term life insurance are available at SBLI.

SBLI Life Insurance Company Review


Term life, permanent life, and more from this State of Washington-based company.

Symetra Life Insurance Company Review


Term life insurance, permanent life insurance, and final expense policies.

Transamerica Life Insurance Company Review

West Coast Life

West Coast is no longer active and is now part of Protective Life. However, if you need to convert your existing term life insurance policy, we can help you.

West Coast Life Insurance Company Review

Western Reserve Life

Transamerica Premier now owns Western Reserve.

Western Reserve Life Insurance Company Review

Worst Life Insurance Companies

Some life insurance companies deserve special recognition for the way they do business.

The reasons vary by company, but in our experience, here are our least favorite life insurance companies.

  • Brighthouse Financial
  • Geico
  • Principal – Principal National Life Insurance Company
  • Progressive

Brighthouse Financial – We did a lot of business with Brighthouse and its predecessors, Metlife and Travelers. One day, Brighthouse decided not to sell life insurance anymore. A short time later, they decided to sell life insurance, but only through one group.

Geico – It seems to be a trend that some auto insurance companies have decided to write life insurance content, gather your personal information, and sell it to third parties. We dedicated an entire article about Geico to this very topic.

Principal – We used to enjoy working with the Principal. They offered competitive life insurance policies, and aggressive underwriting at times. They were pretty easy to work with until 2021 when they decided they would no longer sell their products to individual consumers.

Progressive Life Insurance – This company recently started writing content about life insurance topics – not because Progressive sells life insurance policies – they don’t! Instead, Progressive Advantage Agency gathers your personal information so they can your info and get paid as they disclosed here:

“PAA receives compensation from eFinancial or its affiliate that may vary based on the number of applications taken by eFinancial and the policy you buy.”

Final Words

The first step is to review your medical history with us.

After review, we’ll tell you which companies are best and why.

We’ll then help you with the underwriting process to ensure you receive the best approval possible.

So please take a few minutes to submit your quote request today.  Thank you.

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