Crohn’s Disease – Get the Life Insurance You Deserve

Crohn's disease life insurance

If you have Crohn’s disease or any other inflammatory bowel disease, the idea of getting life insurance might feel daunting. If you’ve previously been declined or received a sky-high rating, it may seem pointless to look any further.

The good news is, even with Crohn’s disease, securing life insurance at an affordable rate is possible with our service.

This guide has been updated for 2024 and covers everything you need to know to help you get the coverage you deserve!

What is Crohn’s Disease?

According to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, about one in every 200 Americans has been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease characterized by chronic inflammation and symptoms like:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Blood in bowel movements
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Elevated liver enzymes
  • Iron deficiency (anemia)
  • Kidney stones
  • Weight loss

And while there is no known cure for Crohn’s, the successful treatment allows life insurers to offer coverage.

Life Insurance Underwriting for Crohn’s Disease

How do you get life insurance if you have Crohn’s disease?

While many life insurance companies will exclude anyone with Crohn’s disease, some companies specialize in high-risk life insurance conditions like Crohn’s.

These companies understand Crohn’s and know that the severity of the disease varies by individual.

Underwriters are concerned about:

  • Severity of Crohn’s – Mild, Moderate, or Severe
  • Treatment History – Medications, surgeries, and physician follow-ups.
  • Flareups/Episodes – How often and how much is your gastro tract affected?
  • Complications – Obstructions, perforations, abscesses & fistulas
  • Overall Health – Do you have any other health conditions? Cancer, diabetes, and heart disease are important to know about.

While the underwriting of digestive diseases is complicated, coverage is available for most people with Crohn’s.

Underwriting categorizes individuals as follows:

  1. Medical Treatment – No Surgery Required
  2. Surgical History – No Recurrence
  3. Surgical History with Recurrence

Your medical history is then reviewed to determine the severity of your condition within the above categories.

As you will see, life insurance rates improve as time passes between flare-ups.

Medical Treatment – No Surgery

Most life insurers would postpone underwriting for six months or longer if you were diagnosed with Crohn’s.

After the postponement period, the severity and treatment will determine the underwriting outcome.

Stable Symptoms and Time Since the Last Flare-up

  • 0 – 6 months – Postpone, with rare exceptions
  • 6 – 12 months – Standard rates plus 50 – 150%
  • 12 – 36 months – Standard rates plus 50 – 100% added.
  • 36 – 60 months – Standard rates plus 50% or better.
  • Standard rates are possible after 60 months.

Most people with Crohn’s will receive a table-rated policy, expressed in percentages above.

Slight variations in test results, elevated liver functions, and remission periods will affect the final ratings received.

If you use medical marijuana, let us know how often you use it and in what form, as some companies have very specific rules about this.

Surgical History – No Recurrence

According to some estimates, 70% of people with Crohn’s will need surgery.

Underwriters review:

  • The type of surgery
  • Time since completing surgery
  • Current symptoms
  • Other factors

Stable Symptoms and Time Since Surgery

  • 0 – 12 months – Postpone for most cases
  • 12 – 24 months – Standard rates plus 50 – 150%
  • 24 – 36 months – Standard rates plus 50 – 100%
  • 36 – 60 months – Standard rates plus 50%.
  • Standard rates or better after 60 months

Underwriting concerns include lack of stability with weight, elevated liver functions, and other Crohn-related symptoms.

Minor cramping and diarrhea are okay from an underwriting standpoint.

Surgical History with Recurrence

According to some estimates, 60% of people who’ve had surgery for Crohn’s will have a recurrence within ten years of surgery.

Stable Symptoms and Time Since Recurrence

  • 0 – 12 months – Postpone
  • 12 – 24 months – Standard rates plus 50 – 150%
  • 24 – 36 months – Standard rates plus 50 – 100%
  • 36 – 60 months – Standard rates plus 50%
  • Standard rates may be possible after 60 months

The difference for people with a recurrence is that you will end up at the higher end of the rating range.

Daily steroid use may add 25% to the above.

Evidence of dysplasia on biopsies or sclerosing cholangitis or pericholangitis will result in a decline.

Family history of parents or siblings having Crohn’s disease does not affect your rate.

Underwriting Resources Used for Crohn’s Disease

Where does RiskQuoter get the underwriting information used in this article?

We use the most current information available, including:

  • Field Underwriting Guidelines from Companies
  • Reinsurance Manuals Information
  • The Academy of Life Underwriting Books
  • Experience working with Clients who have Crohn’s.
  • Quick Quote Underwriting Information

We maintain a database that tracks underwriting outcomes for Crohn’s disease cases.

Recent Articles

We work with all types of health issues, from HIV positive, cancer, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, and much more.

Tips for Finding the Best Life Insurance if You Have Crohn’s

Whether you have Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, or other GI problems, we can help you find affordable life insurance.

We use a quick quote process to ensure you get the best rates.

A quick quote lets us summarize your medical history and get underwriting feedback from companies specializing in Crohn’s disease in a few days.

The benefit is that you’ll know within a few days what each company has to say regarding underwriting and price—before you apply!

Once we have underwriting feedback, we can look at term life insurance for Crohn’s disease or explore universal and whole life options.

Something else that may interest you, if available, is term life insurance policies with living benefits for chronic, critical, and terminal illnesses.

Crohn’s Disease Case Studies

We’ve helped people with all severity levels of Crohn’s and can help you, too.

Here are just a few of the people we’ve helped.

Mild Crohn’s Case

Male, age 40

Diagnosed in early 20’s with mild Crohn’s.

The last flare-up was 5 years ago

Colonoscopy within 24 months – normal

Takes Entyvio

Underwriting outcomes:

  • Banner Life – Standard Plus Table 2
  • Corebridge – Table 2
  • Prudential – Table 3
  • North American – Table 2
  • Minnesota Life – Table 2
  • SBLI – Table 2
  • Mutual of Omaha – Table 6
  • Symetra – Table 3
  • Nationwide – Table 4
  • John Hancock – Table 2
  • Protective – Table 2

Mod/Severe Crohn’s

Male, age 65

Diagnosed at age 20, bowel resection history.

The last flare-up was 3 years ago

Colonoscopy 12 months – no active flare

Takes Pentasa and blood pressure meds.

Underwriting outcomes:

  • Corebridge – Standard
  • Banner Life – Table 6
  • Prudential – Table 1
  • North American – Standard
  • Lincoln National – Table 2
  • Protective – Table 2
  • Nationwide – Table 2
  • Mutual of Omaha – No offer
  • John Hancock – Table 4
  • Brighthouse – Table 2

Each table rating adds approximately 25% to a standard rate.

Denied Life Insurance Due to Crohn’s?

Many of our clients come to us after being declined by another company.

Don’t give up. Only a few companies in the industry specialize in high-risk life insurance and offer coverage to people with a history of Crohn’s disease.

The good news is that we know and work with those companies constantly.

When you submit your request, we’ll tell you which companies are best for your medical history.

If you participate in other activities, such as scuba diving or aviation, let us know, as some companies are better than others.


You have questions about getting life insurance with Crohn’s disease, and we have the answers.

Final Thoughts

There is never any obligation or pressure with our service. Should you change your mind at any time, tell us to close your file.

Take a few minutes to submit your request today. Thank you.

Other conditions we help include:

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